> 健康診断をマレーシアで受診しようと思っています。 > コースは尿検査、血液検査、レントゲン等、日本でごく一般的にやっている項目を考えています。 > > パンタイメディカルが近くて便利なのですが、やっているんでしょうか。 > また、その他お勧めの病院があればお教えくださいますようお願いします。
Taman Desaにある病院の検査の科目と値段です。 検査料金や科目の目安になれば。
Taman Desa Medical Centre (TDMC)
EXECUTIVE MEDICAL SCREENING By Physician RM 528.00 (recommended for those above 45 years old) 1. Physical Examination & Consultation 2. Stress Test 3. Chest X-ray 4. Blood & Urine Test - Blood Cell Analysis - Diabetic Screen - Kidney Function Test - Liver Function Test - Cholesterol Analysis - Thyroid Function Test - Hepatitis B Status - Blood Group - Syphilis Screen - Arthritis Screen - Tumor Markers ** - AFP, CEA, PSA (Male) - CA125 (Female) 5. Medical Report*Bring suitable clothes for stress test (treadmill) *Fast from 10.00pm the night before. No food and beverages, except plain water is allowed. **Tumor marker is a substance produced by the abnormal growth of tissue in the body. An increase in test value requires further diagnostic testing where elevation of tumor marker is commonly seen in certain types of cancer such as colon, liver, lung, prostate, ovary etc.
GENERAL MEDICAL SCREENING By Physician RM 288.00 1. Physical Examination & Consultation 2. E.C.G 3. Chest X-ray 4. Blood & Urine Test - Blood Cell Analysis - Diabetic Screen - Kidney Function Test - Liver Function Test - Cholesterol Analysis - Thyroid Function Test - Hepatitis B Status - Blood Group - Syphilis Screen - Arthritis Screen - Tumor Markers ** - AFP,CEA, PSA (Male) - CA125 (Female) 5. Medical Report*Fast from 10.00pm the night before. No food and beverages, except plain water is allowed. **Tumor marker is a substance produced by the abnormal growth of tissue in the body. An increase in test value requires further diagnostic testing where elevation of tumor marker is commonly seen in certain types of cancer such as colon, liver, lung, prostate, ovary etc.